National Human Trafficking Hotline 1 (888) 373-7888 Or use the textline: Text "BeFree" (233733)


The Red Cord Prayer Focus

October 2021


This month’s theme –  Spiritual Warfare

I believe we can all agree we live in unprecedented times in our world.  The atrocities of evil we are witnessing today is the manifestation of the kingdom of darkness at work for some time now.  We are just seeing more of it come to the surface.  No less is true of the underworld of human trafficking, sex and labor exploitation. 


Make no mistake.  God is on His Throne.  His Justice will prevail.

Psalm 89:14 Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of Your Throne…

Through The Red Cord and other advocacy groups, God is exposing this evil, and bringing light and knowledge to the horrors of human trafficking, so we too might be empowered to do the same.  We recognize we cannot do this effectively without God.  We need His Grace (enabling), the wisdom of His Word, and Holy Spirit, to anoint us with power, clothed in His Armor. 


We are well aware of the spiritual warfare that is involved when we engage the territory of the enemy in human trafficking whether by prayer or as boots on the ground. 


Satan hates it when we pray and worship God, because he knows it invokes the power and presence of God Almighty in our midst.  As pro-active believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, our  war is against demonic strongholds, and ‘human trafficking’ is one of the most powerful strongholds of the enemy’s kingdom.

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”


“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” 11Corinthians 10:4


Romans 8 describes the earth groaning in expectation for the sons of God to come forth, clothed in strength and glory…. overcomers!  God wants to see an overcoming, powerful church in the earth and not just in the hereafter.  When we realize the fullness of our salvation provided through the Blood of Jesus, we can come into our full identity and authority in Christ.   I want to encourage us to see ourselves as victorious, including in our prayers, as we walk in the righteousness of Christ.


Let us be sure we have examined our hearts to ensure we are walking uprightly before God, and have not given satan any legal ground in our lives.  If so God does not hear our prayers and we can open ourselves up to the enemy’s attacks.  Remember this is war.  And there are rules of engagement.


Prayer is one of our greatest weapons of spiritual warfare.  It is the foundation of all we do.   This month we invite you to use the following prayer calendar for the month of October.


God bless you in this season.  May you prosper in spirit, soul, and body, strengthened with all might according to His glorious power!  

 Prayer Calendar Click Here

We greatly appreciate you praying with us!


